The risk of loss in financial investment can be substantial. Each prospective investor must carefully consider the risk before participating in R Best LLC investment programs. Investors should not open a managed account unless they are able and prepared to bear the risk of investment losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. R Best LLC does not guarantee the performance of its investment programs. Important Disclosure Information posted on this website is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, and may no longer be updated, true or complete when viewed by you. R Best LLC shall not be liable for any losses or damages relating to adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information on this website or the use of such information. All information contained herein may be changed or amended without prior notice. All copyrights reserved and its contents including all information, graphics, code, text and design in this website are owned by R Best LLC and should not be reproduced or distributed without its permission. If you continue reading other pages of this website, you are regarded to have understood and agreed to abide by all the terms and rules on this page.